NavySpheal's Chill Haven

New Beginnings

September 18th, 2024

I've finally decided to start writing in here! I was going to wait until I got the navbar text to be horizontal, but eventually I just decided to start writing now & worry about that later.

It's been a really long time since I ever wrote a personal journal: the first time I tried it was in middle school after reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I enjoyed it at first, but eventually the pressure of having to write about something every day got to me and I stopped.

That's why I'm going to do things differently this time: I'm only going to write an entry when I feel that I have something to say. No more arbitrary quotas! (I have enough of those at college)

Also this isn't going be a diary where I write about things that happened to me today: I want this to be more in the style of a video essay channel where it's about my feelings on specific topics or experiences from my life.

I have a few ideas for entries already, and I can't wait to share my little stories with everyone. I hope that reading this journal will help make your day a bit brighter.